解决“严谨性”vs. “相关性”划分

One of the major challenges of academic research in management is that work that must be sufficiently rigorous to be published in top-rank academic journals is often not considered relevant (和 is often never known) by senior executives who could make use of its findings; while research that may be highly relevant 和 useful to practitioners is often not considered sufficiently rigorous for academic publication.

促进企业绩效中心通过招募经验丰富的高管来弥合这一鸿沟, 重视学术研究的人, 他们愿意与教师和学生合作,确定研究项目的范围,使其既严谨又相关, 这架起了理论与实践、学术界与商界之间的桥梁.

CACP研究人员(参与教师 和 科研人员)与CACP成员合作 行政顾问委员会, 谁代表拥有人力资本和财务数据的公司, 识别并参与对高层管理人员至关重要的研究项目,使用严格的分析工具提供可操作的见解.