


Play can help cultivate strategic thinking (there’s a reason chess is the top-selling game of all time), provide additional structure for social interactions or an outlet for creativity and self-expression. Playing games does more than fill time: In the relatively safe constraints of a game, 我们可以进入更大的世界, 其他时间,甚至是其他版本的我们. 那种自由——去探索, 成长, to experiment — is a profound experience to find in a cardboard box.


“如果我们考虑整个供应链, 正确的, 食物被浪费的地方, 它从农场开始, 发生在分销过程中, 在零售, 在商店里, 在餐饮行业, 在家庭中也是如此,韦斯利恩·阿什顿说, professor of environmental management and sustainability at the Illinois Institute of Technology. “So, 如果我们考虑整个供应链, we can think about the new technologies that are available now around predictive analytics that can help with inventory management for ordering food. Companies can have a better handle on how much they need to order, 时间框架, 以及顾客最有可能购买什么, 利用这些数据来更好地管理他们的库存.”


“Decertification has to be easier if it’s to work as an independent way to get police reform,拉夫·唐纳森说, an associate professor at the 芝加哥肯特法学院, drawing a contrast to criminal prosecutions as an accountability mechanism. We have one set of rules for figuring out whether to take away your freedom,他说, and “a different set of rules about whether you should do a job.”


The challenge with something like Listeria is that it’s “always in the environment — it might be in very small quantities in food products that we eat every day,阿尔文·李说, associated professor of food science at Illinois Institute of Technology. Though inspectors could and perhaps should verify cleaning protocols, “你只能在你够得着的地方清洁. 这个设备的问题出在管子上.”


当市场先驱ChatGPT第一次可用时, many prospective users of legal generative AI tech — law firms and in-house legal departments — suffered from “Fomo”, 或者害怕错过, 据丹·卡茨说, 芝加哥肯特法学院的教授, 谁领导学校的法律技术中心. But that early enthusiasm has given way to “Fud” — fear, uncertainty and doubt — he says.

Bloomberg Law

How courts define commute-related accommodation requests often dictates the results, 妮可·波诺科·波特说, 他是一位残疾法威尼斯人平台,在马丁. 马林法律研究所 & 芝加哥肯特法学院的工作场所. 当法院将通勤视为工作场所之外的时候, they tend to hold that employers don’t have a duty to grant commute-related accommodations, 波特说. Courts tend to have that “knee-jerk reaction” in part because federal wage and hour law doesn’t require pay for the time getting to and from the job, 她说.