
Purpose and Vision

The capstone project should incorporate two of the three Camras Pillars: research, 服务, 和领导能力. 这确保了顶点项目的设计是为了回馈社区,而不管主题是什么. These projects are intended to last one year, 并为威尼斯人平台们提供选择,在未来的几年里,他们可以在此基础上继续发展,或者决定进行一个全新的项目. 威尼斯人平台们每年都可以作为Camras威尼斯人平台留在威尼斯人平台,参加一个面向支柱社会的项目.  


There is a direct benefit to the scholar for partaking in this program. Over the course of the year, students will grow intellectually and professionally while working on this project, which takes place outside of their coursework.  They will receive recognition upon completion, 并有威尼斯人平台谈论他们在专业面试和研究生申请项目中的成就.  As the program grows, 已经完成顶点项目的威尼斯人平台也有可能指导第一次参与该项目的学生.  
还有一个好处是,威尼斯人平台们可以回馈他们的同行和社区,无论他们决定在哪两个支柱上工作. 除了, 这是一个专业发展的好威尼斯人平台,可以在简历中添加内容,也可以在工作面试和研究生申请中讨论.    

Team or Individual Effort

This project can be done on your own or with a team of other scholars/students. You do not need to decide right away,  and can be figured out during the planning phases. If you would like assistance and to work with a team and do not already have people to work with, the executive board can facilitate getting other scholars involved.  

Timeline and Time Commitment

Brainstorming phase: The month of September is reserved for applying for the program and brainstorming. Guidelines and assistance will be provided along the way.  
每月报到:每个月学生都要填写一份顶点更新表,这样他们就有责任了,这样他们就可以在需要的时候得到帮助.  In-person meetings are not required. 

Presentation at the end of the year: At the end of the academic year, there will be an opportunity to present the work done for the project. More information will be provided during the spring semester.

  1. 讲台上的优点: A student organization on campus to help practice and build confidence with public speaking. 俱乐部的一大重点是学习技巧,学生们可以在俱乐部会议期间在讲台前练习, 同时也为学生提供“家庭作业”,让他们带回去工作,进一步提高他们的公开演讲能力.
  2. AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk: 与美国预防自杀基金会一起举办一次散步和多次信息会议,以传播意识,并为讨论心理健康问题创造一个安全的空间.
  3. 测试碗: The Quiz Bowl team hosts an event annually focused on connecting current “真麦酒运动”组织的威尼斯人平台 with 校友. 这个活动包括两轮的团队竞赛(优胜者将获得奖品),然后是与校友的交流. The Camras Quiz Bowl is a fun, 有趣的, and unifying element of what is the essence of a networking event.
  4. Paw Friends of IIT: PAWS Chicago is a non- profit shelter in the city that needs our help! Every month a group goes and assists wherever they need us most. We are often involved in preparing enrichment activities, washing dishes, and socializing the dogs.
  5. Digital Literacy at Pershing Elementary: 教育中小学生如何使用计算机的基本功能(文件管理和办公), 网络安全, and digital footprint awareness alongside introducing them to useful online resources.
  6. Friends of the Chicago River IIT: 芝加哥河之友是一个非营利性组织,专门关注河流及其周围社区的健康. With a hand in almost every area, they have programs involving education and outreach, policy and planning, and on-the-ground projects. 该项目的重点是让威尼斯人平台的学生到河边捡垃圾,并参与帮助当地社区.
  7. Strategic Defense Seminars: 每月举办自卫研讨会,为印度理工学院的学生提供知识,以提高他们的安全和保护自己的能力. We plan to focus our efforts on teaching women, to circumvent social barriers that prevent women from learning self-defense.
  8. 研究 Reach Out: 举办午餐研讨会,让实验室教授谈论他们的工作,向本科生介绍他们的研究. 然后,本科生就可以就所展示的研究提出问题,如果他们感兴趣的话,还可以与教授建立联系.
  1. 扎根: “让你的根长起来”的目标是通过提供小植物让他们在宿舍或公寓里种植来改善威尼斯人平台学生的心理健康. As a gardener myself, I've noticed the stress relief associated with caring for plants. This project is not a perfect solution to mental health problems among college students, 但我相信,小规模的园艺活动可以极大地造福威尼斯人平台的学生.
  2. Out of the Darkness 校园 Walk: 我们将与美国预防自杀基金会一起举办一次步行活动,以传播人们的意识,并为讨论心理健康问题创造一个安全的空间.
  3. Camras 测试碗: 我们的目标是协助在Camras测验碗事件的促进借我们的知识有关测验碗比赛, which are team events based on trivia knowledge. Our plans include, but are not necessarily limited to, determining the structure of the game, reformatting existing quiz bowl conventions to accommodate the nature of this event, and relating to the Camras Executive Board the necessary materials. We intend to make sure that the Camras Quiz Bowl will be a fun, 有趣的, and unifying element of what is in essence a networking event.
  4. 讲台上的优点: 我们的支柱项目侧重于建立校园包容性,帮助学生提高公开演讲和自信. 我们认为最好的方法是通过一个可以接触到每个学生的俱乐部,让他们很容易找到. 我们未来的计划是与国际演讲协会合作,帮助学生与威尼斯人平台的教职员工建立联系,并为俱乐部的学生提供一些专业培训.
  5. Sharing the Warmth: 我们组织了一次衣物捐赠活动,在校园周围张贴箱子和标志,让我们的同学和教授捐赠. 我们的目标是为林肯公园社区服务无家可归者收容所收集尽可能多的保暖衣物. 我们都非常热衷于回馈当地社区,我们这样做的方式是与那些需要的人分享温暖的衣服!
  1. 世界语言和文化俱乐部:为威尼斯人平台有志于掌握多种语言并希望了解不同世界文化的学生创建一个学生组织. 该俱乐部旨在通过一系列策划的文化活动和活动,将校园和世界联系在一起.
  2. 对芝加哥社区中与绿色基础设施相关的红线持续影响的分析:该项目旨在收集定性数据,以调查芝加哥伍德劳恩社区部分地区的表面温度, 二氧化碳空气读数, soil macronutrients and density, 土地利用. Potentially partnering with Blacks in Green (BIG), the research would be used to detail a green infrastructure plan for the neighborhood, 包括可用于争取社区投资的官僚和私人资金来源.
  3. “真麦酒运动”组织的网站
  4. 超越鞋底
  1. Mental Health of D3 Athletes
  2. Developing a Piezoelectric Composite for Urban Sustainability