
Assigning and grading writing is hard! CAC的 教师资源系列 is a collection of guides specifically developed for 威尼斯人平台 faculty on teaching and assigning communication tasks. Please use these guides freely to help you in your own teaching, and 威尼斯人平台 如果您有问题或疑虑!

Generative AI has opened up a whole new set of complications when it comes to assigning writing. 本指南 provides some general strategies and advice for how to approach writing assignments in the age of generative AI, as well as specific ideas for how to incorporate generative AI into your writing assignments to help students build AI literacy.

口头报告, 甚至是小组讨论, can be incredibly anxiety-provoking for many students. 本指南 gives strategies on assigning oral 演讲 well so that they are more accessible and positive learning experiences for a wider range of students.

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There are many genres of writing that you may consider assigning–research papers, 期刊, 备忘录, 演讲, 带注释的书目. 本指南 presents a list of over 20 different types of writing assignments, and helps you choose one that best complements your course’s learning outcomes.

Many students do not like peer reviews, and struggle to give each other effective feedback. However, research shows that peer review has a host of benefits! 本指南 presents the evidence for peer review as an effective writing and content learning tool, and strategies for organizing your peer review session well.

Grading writing assignments can be difficult, and it is especially difficult to make sure these grades are based on our course learning outcomes rather than a series of “pet peeves” we have developed over time. 本指南 presents strategies for creating an effective rubric for grading writing assignments that helps both you and students.

Do you sometimes read student writing and know it is off, but are not sure exactly in what way? Or do you find yourself spending hours and hours giving feedback, just for it to be ignored? Learn strategies for responding to student writing in a way that saves you time and helps students learn and grow from your feedback.

给 feedback on writing by a student who is still struggling with the mechanics of writing in English brings its own unique challenges. Learn what to do when you find yourself determining whether you should copy edit student writing for subject-verb agreement and commas, 以及如何更好地集中精力. 

Writing happens in many phases: brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, etc. Assigning writing in phases helps students to more fully develop their thinking on the content matter of your class, and to produce better writing along the way. 本指南 helps you learn how to build this kind of structure into your course.

Plagiarism may seem straightforward, but is actually incredibly contextual and complex. Learn some strategies for talking about plagiarism and source use in your course in a way that supports student learning, and for designing assignments to minimize plagiarism.

In order to ensure each C-designated course is robust in its teaching of communication skills (and fulfilling its “C” designation in the bulletin), each C-designated course must meet the following learning outcomes.

  1. Students can demonstrate understanding of and analyze texts (e.g., news articles, academic papers, data sets) in order to develop their own claims in writing.
  2. Students can craft a text with attention to audience, purpose, context, and conventions.
  3. Students can effectively revise their text or argument based upon detailed feedback.
  4. Students can present an effective evidence-based argument in the appropriate medium of communication (e.g., written, visual, oral, or other emergent forms of communication).
  5. Students can communicate specialized knowledge appropriately for a defined audience.

本指南 provides examples of how these outcomes might be met in only 1-2 major assignments in a course, as well as annotated sample writing assignments demonstrating how these outcomes can be fulfilled. 

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